Are you looking for a comprehensive weight loss program that can help you lose a few extra pounds and at the same time not be addictive for you, especially during the holidays?
We'll give you 18 scientifically proven tips to help you deal with this problem.
Comprehensive weight loss with 18 tips to lose weight in the shortest time possible!
1) Eat from a small plate. . .
People tend to underestimate their tableware, especially cups, plates, and their size. Everyone understands that a large plate will hold more food and a smaller plate will hold less food.
When the same portion of food is placed on a small plate, people naturally eat less than when they eat on a large plate.
After all, you most likely want to put an additive in a large dish, and a small portion looks very poor and unappetizing. Scientists believe that the amount of food corresponding to the size of the dish transmits impulses to the mind and you believe that you will eat more if the edges of the plate are not empty.

2) Blue food
Ironically, when we eat from blue plates, we tend to eat less than when we eat foods of other colors, according to a 2011 study, although scientists stillNot sure why!
But we know that reds, oranges, and yellows stimulate the appetite, but cooler shades on the contrary reduce it. The king of these colors is blue. Yes, and blue dishes look great, because the blue color being called "royal" is not in vain.
3) Snacks
Complex weight loss is not complete without frequent snacking. You must not starve! When you're hungry, you'll start to overeat until your brain generates an impulse that you're full.
A salad, a bowl of broth or soup before a main meal will help you calm down and eat less at lunch. Since these snacks are watery and high in fiber, they'll fill you up and you won't feel hungry.
Two servings of low-calorie soup consumed daily increases weight loss rates by 50% compared to consuming the same number of calories from snacks like sandwiches, pretzels, and more. v.
4) Sleep like a baby
Experience shows that good sleep prevents overweight. Sleep deprivation and sleep deprivation actually lower levels of leptin, a hormone that reduces appetite. And this hormone will stimulate the feeling of hunger.
It is not surprising that people who lack sleep are often hungry, craving unhealthy foods such as sweets, cakes, salty chips. Therefore, complex weight loss needs to be combined with good deep sleep.
5) Stay up late on weekends
Women who went to bed and woke up at the same time each day had low or no fat intake.
This is how some clocks are made in the body and all organs work exactly according to these clocks. If you violate your body's internal rules, some processes start to slow down, and you'll soon see fat.
6) Always have breakfast
Who doesn't eat breakfast is prone to obesity! Eating breakfast away from home also causes obesity. Never eat on the go! You swallow very quickly and anything but healthy homemade food. Better to make yourself a healthy and nutritious breakfast every day and stay slim.
7) Stop stressing
We must emphasize that the body secretes the hormone cortisol, which when overproduced leads to an increase in visceral fat around the abdomen.
So don't stress, don't worry anything, think positive, think of any other method to manage stress and anxiety. You may find essential oils suitable as an alternative to stress management.
8) Be careful with hormones
Cortisol not only destroys your weight, the thyroid and adrenal glands also play a role in the production of hormones that influence obesity. Weight loss hormones can be a real deterrent to weight loss, so monitor your health and remember that hormones need to be balanced.
9) Try high-intensity training
Any type of exercise helps with weight loss, but activities that include alternating short periods of high-intensity aerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods are the best ways to burn fat.
It has been shown to be more effective than other sports in burning fat, especially around the abdomen.

10) Lifting weights
But just an ordinary stick won't help. You need to lift weights, which is also good for your overall health.
If you can't get to the gym, then get the normal bottles, fill them with water or sand, and you'll have some kind of weights. They will help increase muscle tone and kickstart your metabolism, which is important for strong bones.
11) Yoga
A yoga course will relieve stress and help you lose weight. In a 2012 study on the effects of yoga on obese postmenopausal women, the results were astounding: 16 weeks of yoga significantly reduced body weight, body fat percentage, BMI, and waist circumference. waist and visceral fat, while increasing lean body mass!
12) The smell of food
The smell of food is enough to trick your brain into believing that you feel full. Some of the foods tested for their odor saturation were: olive oil, garlic, apples, bananas, fennel, and grapefruit. But don't try to smell chocolate or freshly baked cupcakes!
13) Essential oils
Like strong-smelling foods, some essential oils are known for their ability to act as a hunger trap. These are grapefruit, lemon, cinnamon, cumin and bergamot.

14) Buy without paying
Complex weight loss should be based on the use of organic food. Canadian scientists conducted a study on mice that found that chemicals in common pesticides slow down metabolic function and increase the risk of obesity and diabetes.
If you are buying organic or growing your own in your garden, then you don't have to worry too much. Our ancestors ate only natural foods, and you yourself know that there has never been such obesity in the history of our existence.
15) Don't eat when you're sad
When you're in a bad mood, you tend to eat everything. But monotonous tasks also cause you to constantly ruminate on something. Watch TV, drive, sit with friends, walk down the street, clean the kitchen. All this is because when we are distracted by many tasks, we do not understand the norm of food that we take on the fly.
16) Chew slowly
The simple act of chewing food slowly will help you feel full. The more time you spend chewing, the more impulses your brain creates that you're actively eating well, which means you'll stay full longer from a large plate of food that you swallow in 1 minute.
17) Trick!
Cheating once a week boosts your metabolic rate by restoring appetite-suppressing hormone (leptin) and by balancing thyroid hormones and reducing sugar cravings.
You can cheat your meal by snacking on fruits and vegetables or other low-fat foods. Foods that increase leptin levels are fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and other low-fat foods. In contrast, fatty meat and fish reduced leptin levels.
18) Food photography!
Food photography changes attitudes and behaviors around food choices. It is better to hang pictures of berries, apples, and bananas on the refrigerator.
Pictures are said to be better than a food list written on paper. When you see healthy food in a photo, your subconscious will remember it as an advertisement and in the future, you will choose healthy fruit over chips and crackers.
Of course, hanging beautiful pictures would be better! Otherwise, you won't have enough willpower!